
Randy Means & Associates provide world-class training and consulting services on a wide range of law enforcement related topics.

Live On-Site Training

We have trained the country’s largest and smallest departments and worked in every state. Our trainers embrace positive training methods that make training stick. 

Cost (which includes all travel and per diem costs): First Day: $3,500 Each successive day is $2,500  So for example a two-day program would be an all inclusive cost of $6,000

Live Interactive Webinars

Randy Means & Associates provide world-class live interactive webinar training that replicates our live, in-person classroom training. Explore our live interactive webinar options in learn more

For more information about the live interactive webinars, please contact us at or 302-757-5002


Randy Means & Associates provide world-class e-learning courses and packaged video series. Explore our e-learning options in learn more.


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