Senior Consultants

Dr. Michael Asken, Ph.D

For many years, the psychologist for the Pennsylvania State Police where he was involved with selection and training, working with the Special Emergency Response Team, and consulting with both tactical operators and crisis negotiators. Honors graduate of Johns Hopkins University. Doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology at West Virginia University. Co-author with Lt.Col. Dave Grossman of an acclaimed book on survival mindset.

Asst. Director Perry Bartels

Serves a large regional academy in Virginia after a distinguished career as an officer and supervisor in a large police agency. In the Army, he served in combat as an armored vehicle commander. As a police SWAT team leader, he was twice decorated for valor in life-saving use of deadly force in hostage rescue missions. A certified Force Science analyst, he works also as an expert witness and is a regular presenter at national conferences.

Chief of Police Roberto Bryan, M.S.

Spent 20 years with the Drug Enforcement Administration where he rose to Deputy Director of the International Law Enforcement Academy then Section Chief of the Organized Crime and Drug Enforcement Task Force.  Earlier, Supervisory Special Agent in New Orleans and Memphis.  Now the Chief of Police at a state university following a several year stint on the command staff of a municipal police department. U.S. Army veteran.

Dr. Charles Bullock, Ph.D.

After college and active-duty service as a naval officer, he entered the world of post-graduate education studying at three of the nation’s top universities focusing on physical, mental and spiritual well-being including avocation, recreation and leisure studies. Then, after years of university-level teaching and always a leader, he became a dean at large universities in Nevada and California, then interim president of a California college.

Dr. Tom Collingwood, Ph.D.

Former Director of Continuing Education for the world-famous Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research. Special consultant on physical readiness for the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports and the U.S. Army. Physical fitness program design for 175 law enforcement agencies. Validated physical readiness standards for 90+ law enforcement agencies and the U.S. Army.

Asst. Chief (Ret.) Kipper Connell

Is a 32-year law enforcement veteran. He retired as a Captain from a Tampa-area sheriff’s office then served as Chief of Operations for the Seminole Tribe of Florida Police Department. Many years a consultant/trainer for the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, he developed a number of their certified training programs in police leadership and human relations and has taught these topics for years in Florida and nationally.

Dr. Dennis Conroy, Ph.D.

A career psychologist, also served the St. Paul (MN) Police Department as an officer, detective, supervisor, Director of Professional Development, head of the Field Training Program, Communications Center Supervisor and Director of the Employee Assistance Program. He has taught regularly in upper division collegiate settings and national seminars and has written several books on police psychology. Marine Corps combat veteran.

Dr. Fabrice Czarnecki, M.D.

Has served as the Chief Medical Officer for the TSA, Medical Director of Public Safety Medicine at the Northwestern Medical Group in Chicago, and Chief Medical Officer of the U.S. Secret Service. He is past chair of the Public Safety Section of the American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine and the Police Physicians Section of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. Licensed emergency room physician.

Colonel (Ret.) Pete Evans, B.A.

Former Chief of Operations and, earlier, head of Professional Standards for the highly regarded Baltimore County Police Department in Maryland where he commanded approximately 1800 of its 2,000 sworn personnel. A graduate of the University of Maryland and U.S. Army infantry veteran, he is an expert in police policy design and a nationally respected trainer in leadership, professional standards, proactive discipline and accountability.

Lt. (ret.) Margaret Earles, J.D.

Graduate of Dillard University in New Orleans and the Boston College School of Law. Licensed to practice law in three states and was an Atlanta prosecutor for years before she was called to become a police officer in Suffolk, Virginia. She served there for 20 years, eventually commanded her agency’s Crisis Negotiation and Crisis Intervention Teams, and served as lead CIT instructor. She is still held in enormous esteem by her colleagues.


Deputy Chief (Ret.) Mike Falvo, M.A., J.D.

Retired from the Detroit Police Department as a Commander, then, after 5 years as a Supervisory City Attorney defending police lawsuits, he returned to the Police Department as Deputy Chief in charge of legal training. He has deep background also in Internal Affairs and Professional Standards. His master’s degree is from Michigan State University and his law degree, with honors, is from Wayne State University

Attorney and Chief (Ret.) John Fitzgerald, J.D.

Was Director of Labor Relations and Chief of Staff for the large Montgomery County Police Department in the metro-DC area.  Earlier he worked in street narcotics, served as a SWAT team leader, PIO and patrol district commander. Later, in-house legal instructor for a large regional police academy, then 12 years Chief of Police in a suburban DC community. He is a graduate of the University of Maryland School of Law.

Chaplain Cary Friedman, M.S.

Is Associate Director of the Law Enforcement Survival Institute. Author of Spiritual Survival for Law Enforcement, seven other books, and a police trainer on stress-management and ethical decision-making, he began consulting to the FBI’s Behavioral Science Unit in 2000. A national presenter on these topics, his work has been featured in the RCMP’s The Gazette, the FBI’s Law Enforcement Bulletin and on the History Channel.

Dep. Chief (Ret.) Dean Goodwin, E.M.L., M.S.

Worked with Randy Means for years as head of leadership training programs and publications. He has an Executive Master’s in Leadership from the highly regarded Georgetown University graduate School of Business and another Master’s Degree from Virginia Tech University in Human Resource Development. National facilitator in leadership & accountability, as well as coaching, he is a US Marine Corps Desert Storm veteran.

Major (Ret.) Charles (Chip) Huth

Retired as a major with the Kansas City (MO) Police Department. As a consultant & trainer, clients served include the NYPD, the Navy Seals and the White House. He is a Senior Consultant to the Arbinger Institute and the Missouri Attorney General’s Office. Former SWAT Team leader and US Army veteran, enormous experience in high-risk operations and tactics. Co-author of an important book on unconditional respect.

Asst. Chief of Police (Ret.) Steve Ijames, M.P.A., FBINA

Has served on many high-profile police commissions, reviewed 3,000+ use of force cases for agencies including Los Angeles, Chicago, Phoenix, and Ferguson, and provided force management training on behalf of the IACP and the U.S. Department of State across the U.S. and in 33 other countries. He is the author of the IACP’s model policies and position papers on a wide band of tools and tactics, including SWAT.

Chief Doreen Jokerst, M.S.

Chief of Police in a 330-officer KC-area agency, formerly Chief for the University of Colorado. Previously, she served a Denver metropolitan area police department for nearly twenty years where she eventually commanded in all major functions.  She is a graduate of the FBINA, the Northwestern University School of Staff and Command and the Senior Management Institute for Police. Master’s degree in psychology, Ph.D. in progress.

Chief (Ret.) Charles Jordan, M.S., FBINA

Had 34 years with a 300+ officer police department in Virginia, including 8 years as Chief of Police. Graduate of the FBINA and the University of Richmond’s Professional Executive Leadership School and honors graduate of Old Dominion University. Master’s Degree in Urban Studies and chosen the Outstanding Graduate Student in the program. He led SWAT teams, narcotics investigation and professional standards.

Commander (Ret.) Rod Kusch, B.A.

Eventually specialized at the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department in both criminal and administrative investigations and served as division commander in both functions. Earlier, he also worked as an investigator and supervisor in both functions. A California POST certified instructor, he has taught leadership, professional standards and accountability nationally for years with Randy Means and many others.

Attorney Scott MacLatchie, J.D.

Was a highly successful police defense litigator with a prominent firm in Los Angeles before moving to Charlotte to do the same with fine law firms in the East. His trial practice is devoted to defending police agencies and officers in civil rights litigation. Also a trainer, he began providing liability management instruction at the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Academy in the 1990s while a reserve deputy sheriff working as a motorcycle officer.

Thomas Maddox, M.B.A., Ph.D. (ABD)

Spent a stellar career with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department where, after service in patrol and detention, he worked for many years as a detective, then also for years in its advanced training unit, specializing in leadership training. His completed Ph.D. coursework is in organizational leadership. He is a U.S. Air Force veteran who served as a crypto-linguist. He has worked with and consulted to Randy Means for years.

Commander (Ret.) Lee McCown, M.A.

Was a risk management consultant for the Orange County Sheriff’s Department in southern California after retiring from an amazing career with the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department where he was the original architect and commander of its national award winning Risk Management Bureau. He has deep experience in SWAT, patrol, investigations and jail operations. Has worked with Randy Means for 30+ years.

Susan Hupp Means, M.A.

Is in charge of client support for RMA. In her early career, she was Manager of Cabin Safety for a major airline. Later, she was a Vice President for three global businesses. She has done risk management training and consulting work in 12 countries, on 6 continents, and with some of the highest-end Fortune 500 companies. Amidst all that, she served as a Peace Corps volunteer for a year in Africa. Her Master’s Degree is in Experiential Education.

Master Police Officer (Ret.) Zachary Miller, B.S. (J.D. in progress, L3)

Served his medium-size east coast police department as its training manager for many years. An expert on the constitutional law of policing, he is a highly respected and exceptionally knowledgeable police legal instructor, providing training nationwide to law enforcement officials of all ranks and assignments, recruits to executive staff. He has worked with Randy Means for nearly 20 years.

Attorney Mildred “Missy” O’Linn, J.D.

Is one of the most successful police defense litigators in the State of California. Also an expert in police training, she is certified instructor in multiple areas of police tactics and use of force. She served as a police officer for eight years, then as a Legal and Technical Advisor for the Law Enforcement Television Network, later a manager of a regional police academy, and still an advisor on use of force to California POST.

Dr. Deborah Ontiveros, M.S., Ph.D.

Is a psychologist based in El Paso, Texas, with 30 years experience working with municipal police, federal law enforcement, and military personnel in such areas as policy development, critical incident response, stress management, supervisory training, and routine counseling. Her specialties include Employee Assistance Program (EAP) design and implementation. Her Ph.D. is in psychology, her master’s degree is in counseling.

Deputy Chief (Ret,) Adrienne Quigley, M.P.A.

Served the Arlington County PD (adjoining Washington, DC) in virtually every prestigious assignment and as a certified firearms instructor.  She is a nationally recognized expert in the field of officer safety and injury prevention and has presented on those topics nationally. Summa Cum Laude graduate of The George Washington University, her masters degree in Public Administration is from George Mason University.

Captain Michelle Rhone, M.S.

21-year veteran of a 300-officer police department. Has recently headed its academy and professional standards. At nearby universities, she teaches Leadership in Public Safety and Urban Development at a Professional Executive Leadership School. She provides consulting services for the International Association of Chief’s of Police in the area of organizational leadership. Her master’s degree is in Management and Organizational Behavior.

Dr. Darrell Ross, Ph.D.

Michigan State University and a university department head, is an expert in use of force and other police practices, including critical incident management. He has published 85 articles, 4 books and presented at over 600 conferences nationally and internationally. He has studied management and leadership at Harvard University, remains the scientist behind several force training systems and has been an expert witness in 1,000+ cases.

Chief (Ret.) Curtis Spears, B.A., FBINA

Is the Former Chief of Operations and, earlier, head of Professional Standards for the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department. He also worked in field operations and managed their biggest jail facilities. An FBINA graduate, his degree in Public Administration is from the University of Southern California. He is a U.S. Army veteran and taught for nearly 20 years with Randy Means in national seminars on police leadership.

Dr. Sandra Terhune-Bickler, M.S., Ph.D.

Served with the Santa Monica Police Department in the west LA area for 28 years before retiring in 2014 as supervisor in Personnel and Training. Crisis Negotiations Team for 20+ years and Peer Support coordinator for 15+ years, she worked as a Motorcycle Officer for 11 years. Master’s degree in Counseling Psychology, Doctorate degree in Human and Organizational Systems. Teaches nationally on crisis negotiation.

Police Chief Paul Thompson, M.S., D.M.

Has both a master’s degree and a doctorate degree in management. He has been Chief with three Texas police agencies and served as head of a Texas Police Chiefs Association. Experience as a narcotics investigator, correctional supervisor, patrol supervisor, and SWAT. He has attended the FBI’s Texas Command College and also the Leadership Command College of the Law Enforcement Management Institute of Texas.

Police Chief Robert Trebes, B.A.

Entered law enforcement at age 25 and began studying leadership, organizational behavior and law, earning a degree in police administration. He eventually served in, supervised, and/or managed all major police functions, He also worked at, then led, his regional police academy for four years, and taught law, leadership, ethics and professionalism there for another decade. 

Dr. Paul Whitesell, Ph.D.

Retired as Superintendent of the Indiana State Police where early in his career he served as a state trooper. A licensed psychotherapist and veteran of many years of municipal policing, he also served as Executive Officer of the Indiana Law Enforcement Academy. A former SWAT Team Leader, Marine Corps combat veteran and U.S. Army Officer, he presents Internationally on leadership. A tactical expert, he also teaches officer survival.

Attorney Lyla Zeidan, J.D.

Summa cum laude graduate of a large state university then at the top of her class in law school. Now a full-time Attorney Advisor, certified instructor and use of force trainer at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Centers (FLETC). Earlier, 10 years head of legal Instruction for a large regional law enforcement academy. Previously, a state prosecuting attorney for almost 9 years in a large city, eventually handling major felonies. 1,000+ trials.

Dr. Waheba Zeidan, J.D.

Has been a conflict resolution specialist most of her 20-year professional career. An honors graduate from a large state university, she attended law school, won a doctorate degree in law, and began her career. Certified by the Virginia Supreme Court as a mediator, she provides dispute resolution, coaching, and training services to organizations, universities, and communities and has similar federal certifications on workplace issues.