Policy Center

Randy Means & Associates provide world-class training and consulting on a wide range of policy-related issues.

Policy Manual “Risk Review”

This is a line by line, word by word, review of your entire policy manual by Randy Means and senior team members personally, followed by an in-person report to you by Randy Means on what is right and wrong with your current policies. It identifies your “soft spots” and recommends specific ways to harden the target. It is our least expensive policy manual involvement because it does not include writing revisions and replacement policies.

For only $9,950.00, including all expenses associated with an on-site visit to make the in-person report. 

For more information or to discuss, please contact us at info@randymeans.com or 302-757-5002. We will discuss how we might be able to help you.


High Risk Policy Review and Revision

High-Risk Operational Policy: This review and revision is designed to shore-up your high-risk operational policies. Such as: Use of Force, Emergency Vehicle Operation, Constitutional Policing (including arrest and detention and search and seizure), Special Populations, and more!  The review and revision will ensure your policies and practices provide you the best-balanced risk mitigation in these critical areas. First, we work with you to identify the operational policies that create the greatest risk exposure to your agency and its people.

High-Risk Personnel Policy: This review and revision is designed to shore-up your high-risk personnel/ employment policies. Like: Hiring, Training, Supervision, Discipline, Performance Improvement, Social Media and more! Just the federal alphabet soup of employment law is daunting: the ADA, ADEA, FLSA, FMLA and more. The review and revision of these and other policies will ensure you the best-balanced risk mitigation in these highly technical, potentially dangerous, and critically important areas. First, we work with you to identify the employment policies which create the greatest exposure to your agency and people.

Cost:  $9,995 for each area or $18,000 for doing both areas simultaneously – assuming no travel is involved.

For more information or to discuss, please contact us at info@randymeans.com or 302-757-5002. We will discuss how we might be able to help you.

On-Going Review and Revision

As the name suggests, this involves periodic, typically annual, review of your manual for needed changes in view of trends in best practices, legal developments, and/or philosophy. This important service is closely akin to getting a policy tune-up and ensures small problems do not turn into large problems due to lack of attention.  The environments you operate in are ever-changing and your policy needs to reflect those changes. 

Cost: $5,000 per year

For more information or to discuss, please contact us at info@randymeans.com or 302-757-5002. We will discuss how we might be able to help you.

Individual Policy Review and/or Revision

Most of this work is done personally by Randy Means, personally.  If any other senior consultant is involved in this project, you can rest assured that Randy reviews the work to ensure its quality prior to providing you the recommended product.

Cost:  Review and Report – $500, Revision – Another $500.

For more information or to discuss, please contact us at info@randymeans.com or 302-757-5002. We will discuss how we might be able to help you.

Sample Policy

Most of this work is done personally by Randy Means, personally.  If any other senior consultant is involved in this project, you can rest assured that Randy reviews the work to ensure its quality prior to providing you the recommended product.

Please take a look at a one (1) page sample we have in a high liability area. Not ALL pages are present, but this sample gives you a clear idea of our style, attitude, and approach to policies which cause you the most pain.  If you like what you see, please contact us at info@randymeans.com or 302-757-5002. We will discuss how we may be able to help you.

download  sample